
Demo day at Project Self-Sufficiency Office

Well, we made a royal mess today. Thanks to help from Matt Bostrom and Brady Kilgallen, we have all the carpet removed and are ready to start framing at the Project Self-Sufficiency office. Framing will begin on Friday. We have a good crew from Coldwell Banker to help frame, but we still need volunteers for drywall and mudding next week. Thanks to all who have and will participate.


Notice: Project Self-Sufficiency Start Date Change

Start date for demo work at Project Self-Sufficiency has changed. Due to extenuating circumstances, we did not start on Friday, January 25th, but will begin work on Monday the 28th. We are remodeling a 2500 square foot office space (see previous post for details). We need volunteers to donate labor including: demolition, framing, drywall, painting. Contact Josh at 219-7280, or info@restorationnowfc.org if you can help with this new project.


Northern Colorado AIDS Project (NCAP) Office Remodel

RN hit the ground running in 2008. We’ve had the privilege to work with clients of the Northern Colorado AIDS Project (NCAP) over the past few years. NCAP’s physical office here in old town Fort Collins had layout issues that made it difficult to serve their clients well. For years, their staff has crammed into a small break room/ kitchen for their meetings and confidential client conferences, while down the hall two oversized waiting areas went virtually unused. Over a week’s time, 9 people turned the waiting areas into a large private meeting room. From demolition stage on a Friday afternoon until carpet went in the following Friday, I, as leader of the project, and NCAP’s staff were blown away and encouraged by the efforts of Gavin Batty, Jon VanDyke, Ryan Jenkins, Libby Kueneke, Steve, Braden and Dawson Balmer, and Josh Edwards. I began this project totally unaware of the volunteer efforts that would materialize over the week. It was exciting to watch the people of Grace Church come behind RN and sacrifice their time for the needs of this community. Because of this volunteer labor and Home Depot donations for new tools, we made a $4,300 project cost just under $1,000 for materials. The staff at NCAP is so kind and appreciative of our labors and we look forward to partnering in future projects.

Project Self-Sufficiency Office Remodel:
Restoration is currently in the planning stages of another office remodel. Project Self-Sufficiency (PS-S) is an agency that works with single mother’s in the Ft. Collins/ Loveland area. They have not had their own office in Ft. Collins and currently share space with the Housing Authority. In a joint effort with Alan Strope/ Savant Homes, we will be remodeling a new office space to suit their currents needs, such as private rooms for client consultation. We just received word that the permits cleared and we will begin demolition this Friday (Jan 25). Consider joining us in this project and help us build a new relationship with PS-S. If we can provide free labor for the entire project we will save PS-S over $20, 000 on this remodel, which is obviously better spent on their clients! Please contact Josh to volunteer time or see our current needs list (below) to donate specific tools.

Winterizing Projects:
In between and during projects we are also: planning for the future of RestorationNow, winterizing homes, following up, caring for, and visiting people from past projects. There are always more people we can help. If you are interested in being a part of these projects, or if you know of anyone in need that we can help, please contact us.

Peace, Josh Roloff

Things RN needs:

Compound Miter Saw-Portable Contractor Model
18v Cordless Drills
½ inch Corded Drill
8 Foot Level
3 new truck tires (funds have been donated for 1 of the 4)
Storage Space—after April we need an indoor secure space to store our growing inventory of building supplies