
Ollie Roloff shows up on the job occasionally, and really gets thongs done!

After an announcement I made at Grace Church one Sunday about a deadline crunch on the PS-S job for an occupancy inspection, eight people showed up the following monday to work. Some are pictured above--the Stope Family, Libby Kueneke, Jason Campbell, and of course Oliver. Thank you all for giving your time
day and night!

Project Self-Sufficiency Office Remodel Finished

We are finally done and the staff has moved in! Thanks to all the volunteers for their amazing work. It has been an honor to work with this group of people dedicated to serving the single mothers in our community.

Special thanks to Savant Homes for partnering with us and making it possible to do this project. Thanks also to Children's Mercantile for donating the waiting area toys and games.

What a blessing to witness such a community effort!


Restoration CSU Work Day

Top Pic: Lunch Break-A big thanks to Chipotle for another mess of delicious burritos. They are a continual donor of meals to our volunteers.
Left: Matt Bostrom and Jeff Odell got good and dirty blowing insulation into walls to make the offices as a sound proof as possible for privacy issues. These two guys spent MANY hours on this job.

Right: Josh Roloff unclogging the vacuum after insulation clean up!


New Tires

Nicole's uncle, Bill Yohe, visited us Christmas and during the process of me (Josh) trying to tow his car out a snow drift with too much effort, due to bald tires, he decided to do someting about it. Knowing our budget, and new tires not being a high priority though MUCH needed, he started talking to people and churches he knew in Iowa and Texas. Within two weeks, he raised all the money for four new much safer and more effective. So, much thanks to Bill and those who donated. You are all beautiful souls!


Framing day with Coldwell Banker agents

All the framing went up at the PS-S office in one day, thanks to Steve Balmer and the Coldwell Banker crew.