
RUF Tulsa

RUF Tulsa came to spend five days working and camping in Brush, Colorado. They are an amazing group of people! I enjoyed my time with them immensely and, thanks to their energy, we really accomplished a large amount a work in a short amount of time. We camped on our client's land and did property cleanup, build a porch, installed new windows and painted the entire house, all in 4 days! Thank you to the RUF Tulsa group, their leader John Knorr, his wife Denise and family for their amazing service. Our clients were touched and encouraged by you all. It's a joy to know you and please come back!


May 10 Work Day at North College Mobile Park

Thanks to Roland Tremble, Scott Lowe, Morway family, Eric James, Brittany Winkler, Stauffers, Jake Bailey and Wes Womack.
FYI-Eric and Scott proceeded to put another 4 times the amount of branches in the truck (see above picture) while Roland and Josh removed 6 layers of leaky roofing from the shed.